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About Us – Who We Are

CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia is Part of a Statewide Network of 21 Regions, known as CareerSource Florida

Same purpose. Same passion for workforce development. A unified network across Florida. CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia is a nonprofit, regional public/private partnership and part of a network of workforce development boards focused on connecting employers with qualified, skilled talent and residents with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity.

Advised by a Board of Directors comprised of leaders of the community, with 51% or more representing private industry, CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia administers the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Welfare Transition programs, grants, and employment support activities in Brevard, Volusia and Flagler Counties.

What Does This Mean for You?

  • Access to a network of diverse experts and a state-wide pool of expertise
  • Ability to take advantage of the state-wide university system, which provides us with industry niche or other specialized research
  • More accurate, real-time data analysis for local businesses
  • Best practices and collaboration at a deeper level helping businesses grow across the region

Two Workforce Boards Became One on July 1, 2024

CareerSource Brevard and CareerSource Flagler Volusia merged to become one local workforce development board: CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia. The new workforce board with six career center locations is dedicated to serving businesses and job seekers more effectively while increasing collaboration among regional economic, educational, and government agencies.

Why Did the Merger Happen?
The merger of some local workforce development boards was primarily driven by the Reimagining Education and Career Help (REACH) Act, signed into law in June 2021. The REACH Act called for a reduction in the number of local workforce development boards to improve consistency and maximize resources.

Does the Merger Change Existing Workforce Services?

The full range of services offered to job seekers and employers will continue. We will continue to administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Welfare Transition programs, grants and other employment support programs across our region.

Who Leads the Merged Entity?

Marci Murphy is the executive director of CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia.

Additional Information

Operation and Leadership

The policy and oversight responsibility invested in Workforce Boards aims to ensure that this system is:

  • Market-driven
  • Easily accessible to any individual who wants or needs a job, education, or training
  • Supplies well-trained people for all employers
  • Provides employers with assistance and support for life-long learning initiatives and for the creation of a high-performance workforce.

Read more about the Workforce Board 

Welfare Transition Program

The Welfare Transition program provides emphasis on work, self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, as well as opportunities for welfare recipients to move from welfare to work. The support structure includes services such as: employment programs, job training, child care and transportation assistance, diversion program to reduce domestic violence and child abuse, diversions to prevent families from going on welfare and relocation assistance.

The Welfare Transition program has both opportunities and obligations. Families that receive cash assistance are required to meet the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Temporary Cash Assistance eligibility criteria, register for work and participate in work activities.

More Information

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