Two Workforce Boards Became One on July 1, 2024
CareerSource Brevard and CareerSource Flagler Volusia have merged to become one local workforce development board: CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia. Your new workforce board with six career center locations is dedicated to serving businesses and job seekers more effectively while increasing collaboration among regional economic, educational, and government agencies.
Why did the merger happen?
The merger of some local workforce development boards was primarily driven by the Reimagining Education and Career Help (REACH) Act which was signed into law in June 2021. The REACH Act called for a reduction in the number of local workforce development boards to improve consistency and maximize resources.
Does the merger change existing workforce services?
The full range of services offered to job seekers and employers will continue. We will continue to administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Welfare Transition programs, grants and other employment support programs across our region.
Who leads the merged entity?
Marci Murphy is the executive director of CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia.