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Job SeekersSpecial Programs – Assistance Programs

Assistance Programs

We provide a variety of assistance programs to help individuals improve job readiness, find and maintain employment and adhere to guidelines for federal programs. If your family is receiving public assistance, you may be required to complete employment or training activities. CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia can help with information about the requirements.

Reemployment Assistance

Reemployment Assistance (formerly called unemployment compensation) provides temporary wage benefits to qualified individuals who are out of work through no fault of their own.

CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia can provide a computer as well as Internet, phone and fax access so that you can apply for Reemployment Assistance benefits, claim your weeks, search for employment or get assistance with scholarship funding that may be able to secure employment within in-demand occupations.

3 Ways to Get Help Filing Your Reemployment Assistance (RA) Claim:

  1. Go to for the latest information.
  2. Call the Reemployment Assistance Hotline, 1-833-352-7759. Wait times may be long.
  3. Visit the Reemployment Assistance Help Center.

Although CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia is not the unemployment office, we help connect you to FloridaCommerce to file a claim for Reemployment Assistance. Please note staff members are not employed by Florida’s Reemployment Assistance program and therefore cannot determine or offer opinions on anyone’s eligibility for benefits.

Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assistance (RESEA) Program

The Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program is designed to address the reemployment needs of RA claimants. Individuals filing RA claims may be selected to participate in the state’s RESEA program. Participants are made aware of, and referred to, a variety of reemployment services. If selected for participation, claimants are notified via U.S. Mail of a mandatory appointment at their local CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia career center and provided the following services:

  • Orientation: information regarding the services available to claimants at the career center.
  • Objective Assessment: a one-on-one interview with a career center staff member that provides an initial analysis of the claimant’s occupational skills, strengths, weaknesses, barriers, employment history, education, etc.
  • Labor Market Information (LMI): an analysis of the labor market that is unique to the claimant’s desired occupation and location, experience and skills. The aim is for the claimant to recognize trends in his/her desired occupation and determine whether it is worth pursuing based on growth or decline in that area, or if it would be better to seek training for another field with a better occupational outlook.
  • Employability Development Plan (EDP): a thorough plan of action for the claimant that incorporates information gathered from the initial assessment and LMI to determine what the next step should be in finding employment or recommending training. The EDP sets out specific steps for the claimant to follow upon leaving the career center.
  • Work Search Activities: Claimants are referred to any additional activities relevant to the results of their assessments such as counseling, resume writing, job search workshop, referrals to education, and/or training.

Prior to your RESEA Appointment

  1. Confirm you have registered at to access the one-stop online resource for job listings, education and training opportunities, career building assistance and more.
  2. Review the RESEA Orientation
  3. Complete the RESEA Orientation Acknowledgement & Self Assessment Form

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Florida’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) often referred to as Food Stamps, requires all Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) age 18-54 and Mandatory Work Participants (MWPs) age 55-59 must participate in the SNAP Employment & Training (E&T) program.

The goal of the SNAP E&T program is to help unemployed recipients of food assistance benefits find work. CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia (CSBFV) oversees the SNAP E&T program for Brevard, Flagler and Volusia counties in partnership with FloridaCommerce. Learn more about SNAP Work Requirements.


Once you have been referred to the SNAP E&T program, you must complete the following steps to maintain eligibility for food stamp assistance. The information provided below is your guide through the work registration process, which includes orientation, an assessment, and scheduling an Employment & Training intake session with a CSBFV career advisor.

Each of these steps contains time-sensitive deadlines that, if not met, may affect the continuance of your Food Assistance benefit.  It is important that you read the requirements carefully.

bus ride

Transportation Reimbursement Assistance

Food Stamp Reimbursements (FSRs) may be available for completed supervised job search efforts or for participating in qualifying activities. Talk with your Career Advisor to see if an FSR is available for you to offset your cost of transportation for the SNAP E&T Program.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

The TANF Welfare Transition program provides emphasis on work, self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, as well as opportunities for welfare recipients to move from welfare to work.

The support structure includes the program and services such as:

  • employment programs
  • job training
  • child care
  • transportation assistance
  • diversion program to reduce domestic violence and child abuse
  • diversions to prevent families from going on welfare
  • relocation assistance.

To be eligible for the program and benefits, you must first register with the Florida Department of Children and Families.  Check here to find out more.

Families that receive cash assistance are required to meet the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Temporary Cash Assistance eligibility criteria, register for work and participate in work activities.  Services provided through the program are based on the availability of resources and the individual’s progress towards completion of the steps in achieving the agreed upon goals.  The WT program has both opportunities and obligations that will be explained in the introductory orientation.


Before registering, you are required to complete the following activities as part of the work registration with CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia:

  1. Complete the WTP Orientation and Assessment in OSST – click here to begin
  2. Register for work on the Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) website at
  3. Complete the EFM assessment and skills inventory at
  4. Complete a resume and upload your completed resume into EFM at
  5. Apply for one job in

Once you complete all the requirements listed above, DCF will receive a notification within one business day.

All questions about the work registration process and our services to you should be sent to [email protected] or call 321-394-0655.

Is CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia the same as the Department of Children and Families?

No, however, we partner with DCF to manage the work registration of the Temporary Cash Assistance program.

How Do I Get a Voucher for Free Childcare?

What Are the Requirements for Qualifying for Up-Front Diversion and How Do I apply?

If you are applying for Temporary Cash Assistance and you are employed or have a job offer, you may be considered for Up-Front Diversion. The Up-Front Diversion may help to start or keep a job you have now by assisting you with an emergency situation. If you qualify for Up-Front Diversion, you may also receive a one-time cash payment. The amount of this payment is limited, but could be as much as $1,000. The Up-Front Diversion requires recipients to remain off cash assistance for several months. For more information please contact 321-394-0655.

I Would Like to End My Cash Assistance Benefits - What Are the Steps I Need to Take?

Welfare Transition Program

The Welfare Transition program provides emphasis on work, self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, as well as opportunities for welfare recipients from welfare to work. The support structure includes services such as: employment programs, job training, child care and transportation assistance; diversion program to reduce domestic violence and child abuse, diversions to prevent families from going on welfare as well as relocation assistance. The Welfare Transition program has both opportunities and obligations. Families that receive cash assistance are required to meet the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Temporary Cash Assistance eligibility criteria, register for work and participate in work activities. Learn more here.

For More Information

ACCESS Florida
One-Stop Service Tracking System

Services provided through the Program are based on the availability of resources and the individual’s progress towards completion of the steps in achieving the agreed upon goals.

Tobacco Free Assistance Program

We can help you stop smoking and find career success with our no-cost Tobacco-Free Online Assistance Program. A Stanford study found that employment in smokers and nonsmokers showed that by 12 months, smokers were less likely to have found a job than nonsmokers and those who did earned less than nonsmokers! We know that quitting tobacco* isn’t easy, but finding help is! CareerSource Brevard Flagler Volusia, in partnership with Tobacco Free Florida, offers free tools and services to help you kick the habit and find success! Program participants receive:

    • One-on-one counseling
    • Access to support groups and tobacco cessation products through a local Area Health Education Center and the local Quit Line
    • Free and medically appropriate nicotine replacement therapy
    • and much more!



Call (321) 504-7600 or email [email protected] and let us know which career center is closest to you.

Do you know a smoker who could use assistance to quit? Share the flyer.

*Includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes, hookahs, smokeless (chewing) tobacco, electronic or “e-cigarettes.

Additional Resources

  • Space Coast Area Transit – Bus routes operate on a set schedule as designated stops, providing extensive coverage throughout the cities within Brevard County. You may be able to use your SNAP transportation reimbursement assistance of up to $25.00 per month to cover this cost and support your transportation needs ongoing.
  • Votran – Volusia County Public Transit
  • Flagler County Public Transportation
  • Free Cell Phone through SafeLink – Online application and information for a free cell phone
  • 2-1-1 – Online 211 Customer access for services and resources in your county

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