Florida Atlantic Workforce Alliance: February Consortium Recap
ICYMI: Highlights from the February FAWA Consortium
Workforce, industry, education leaders in the Aerospace/Aviation, Advanced Manufacturing, and IT/Cybersecurity sectors convened virtually on Feb. 21 to learn about best practices in talent pipeline management and to share updates from the Industry Councils.
- Space Florida is working to define credentials across a variety of industries and create workforce programs to meet talent needs.
- US Chamber of Commerce Foundation provided an overview of talent pipeline management strategies and gave an example of how using their approach led to an increase in diverse hires in the IT industry in San Diego.
- The IT/Cybersecurity, Advanced Manufacturing, and Aerospace/Aviation Industry Councils presented project plans which will guide the Consortium’s talent attraction efforts moving forward.
- A website is in development which will serve as a resource for employment-related information for various stakeholders and will showcase FAWA initiatives.
February Consortium Summary (.pdf)February Consortium Presentations (.pdf)US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Presentation (.pdf)February Consortium Recording (video)Learn More About FAWA